Diese Serie entstand nach dem erfolgreichen, gleichnamigen Kinofilm, der 1969 gedreht wurde. In dem Kinofilm spielten Robert Culp, Elliott Gould, Dyan Cannon und Natalie Wood die Hauptrollen.
This series was created after the successful, the feature film, shot in 1969th In the movie played Robert Culp, Elliott Gould, Dyan Cannon, Natalie Wood, the lead roles.
Der Inhalt des Films / The Content of the movie: (Quelle / Source: Filmlexikon Kabel 1)
Angeregt durch ein therapeutisches Wochenendseminar sucht ein Ehepaar Erfüllung in Seitensprüngen und bedingungsloser Offenheit. Die "Bekehrung" eines befreundeten Paares endet in einer mißglückten Orgie, in der die anti-bürgerlichen Ambitionen der Beteiligten kläglich scheitern. Weitgehend witzige Satire auf menschliche Unzulänglichkeiten und auf die Ideale der "Love Generation".
Inspired by a couple looking for a weekend seminar therapeutic compliance in side jumps and unconditional openness. The "conversion" of a friendly couple ends in an orgy of failed, failing in which the anti-bourgeois ambitions of those involved miserably. Largely witty satire on human imperfections and to the ideals of the "Love Generation".
Leider wurde diese Serie in Deutschland nie ausgesgtrahlt. Hier mal eine Episodenübersicht
(Quelle: epguides.com)
Unfortunately, this series was never
in Germany ausgesgtrahlt. Here is an episode summary
(Source: epguides.com)
In der TV - Serie, die 4 Jahre danach gedreht wurde, schlüpft Robert Urich in die Rolle von Robert Culp.
Über den Inhalt der Serie kann ich leider nichts sagen, da dies die einzigste Serie mit Robert Urich ist, die ich selber noch nicht kenne. Es ist aber davon auszugehen, dass die die Handlung an den Kinofilm orientiert.
Hier noch 2 Bilder zur Serie:
In the TV - series that was filmed
four years later, Robert Urich slips into the
role of Robert Culp.
The content of the series I can not say anything because this is the only series with Robert Urich, I know
not themselves. It is assumed that
the plot is based on the movie.
Here are two pictures to the series:
Ich habe einige Screenshots gemacht, die Qualität ist nicht sonderlich gut, aber es handelt sich um sehr alte Aufnahmen, und da kann man nicht besseres mehr erwarten :)
I've made some screenshots, the quality is not very good, but it is very old recordings, and since you can not expect more better :)
Diese spritzige und vor allem schwarzhumorige Sitcom parodiert in glänzender Weise die amerikanischen "Daily-Seifenopern" wie z.B. "Springfeild Story, General Hospital, Reich & schön, etc.) und nimmt jene Serien gewaltig auf die Schippe...
Zu der Serie entstand auch eine sehr erfolgreiche Spin-Off Serie mit den Namen "Benson", die ganze 8 Staffeln lang spielte und die Erlebnisse des Butlers Benson schilderte, der es schaffte,vom Hausbutler zum Senator des Vereinigten Staaten aufzusteigen...
In "Die Ausgeflippten" wirkte Robert Urich leider nur in der 1. Staffel mit, sprich in 7 Episoden. Robert Urich ereilte dort ein Serientod, der Kinogänger an den Hitchcock-Film "Psycho" erinnern läßt ;)
This lively and humorous parodies, especially black sitcom brilliantly the American
"Daily soap operas" such as "Beautiful Guiding Light,
General Hospital, Rich, etc.) and those series taking the mickey out huge ...
Among the series was also a very successful spin-off series with the name "Benson", the whole
eight seasons played and described the experiences of the butler Benson, who managed the house for Senator
Butler of the United States to rise ...
In "SOAP" Robert Urich had unfortunately only in
the first Season with, ie in 7 episodes. Robert Urich suffered a Serientod there, the movie-goers in the Hitchcock movie
"Psycho" can remember;)
Businessman Chester Tate hat eine Vorliebe für außereheliche Beziehungen, was nicht verwunderlich ist, da seine Frau Jessica eine ausgeflippte Irre ist. Von ihren drei Kindern stellt Tochter Corinne stets ihre sexy Vorzüge in den Vordergrund, Eunice ist ruhig und konservativ und Billy ist ein verzogenes Gör. Jessicas Vater, der "Major", lebt bei den Tates. Meist kriecht er in seiner alten Armeeuniform auf dem Boden herum und spielt Zweiter Weltkrieg. Benson, ihr unverschämter schwarzer Koch und Butler, kommentiert alles und jeden. Als er die Familie verläßt (1979 bekommt er in den USA seine eigene Serie "Benson", siehe dort), wird Saunders sein Nachfolger. Jessicas Schwester Mary Campbell lebt mit Ehemann Burt am anderen Ende der Stadt. Sie haben nicht so viel Geld wie die reichen Tates. Burt muß sich hauptsächlich mit seinen Stiefsöhnen Jodie und Danny herumschlagen. Der eine ist schwul, der andere ins organisierte Verbrechen verwickelt. Die Lust auf heimlichen Sex bestimmt die meiste Zeit die Gedanken der Familienmitglieder.
Robert Urich spielte Peter Campbell, einen Schwerenöter, der sich durch die Betten der Frauen schläft, bis er eines Tages unter der Dusche ermordet wurde.
Businessman Chester Tate has a penchant for extramarital affairs, which is not surprising, since his wife Jessica is a freaky
insane. Of their three children, daughter Corinne always makes her sexy benefits to the fore, Eunice
is quiet and conservative, and Billy is a spoiled brat. Jessica's father, the "Major", lives at the
Tate. Mostly he crawls into his old army
uniform around on the floor and plays World War II. Benson,
her brazen black chef and butler says, everything and everyone. When he leaves the family (in the U.S. In 1979 he gets his own series
"Benson", qv), Saunders will be his successor. Jessica's sister
Mary lives with her husband Burt Campbell at the
other end of town. You do not have as much money as the wealthy
Tates. Burt must grapple mainly with
his step-sons Danny and Jodie. One is gay, the other involved in organized crime. The desire
for secret sex determined for most of the thoughts of
family members.
Robert Urich played Peter Campbell, a lothario who sleeps through the beds of women, until one day
he was murdered in the shower.
Here is a detailed episode Guide in english:
01) Die Geschichte zweier Schwestern ( Pilotfolge )
02) Tennisstunden
03) Sex nach Rezept
04) Ein schlechtes Gewissen
05) Die Geliebte des Geliebten
06) Schlimme Kinder
07) Im Auftrag der Mafia
ab hier sind alle Folgen ohne Robert Urich:
08) Mutter zuliebe
09) Aus allen Wolken gefallen
10) Gute Ratschläge
11) Alles auf den Kopf gestellt
12) Mord unter der Dusche
13) Die Zeit danach
14) Die Verhaftung
15) Besuch aus Schweden
16) Die leibliche Mutter
17) Das Experiment
18) Unter Druck gesetzt
19) Eindeutige Fotos
20) Drama im Hotel
21) Diverse Fettnäpfchen
22) Noch eine Zeugin
23) Ein schwarzer Tag
24) Der alte Major
25) Einstimmiges Urteil
26) Wie konnte das geschehen?
27) Hinter Gittern
28) Auch das noch
29) Unverhofft kommt oft
30) Alarmstufe Eins
31) Schlag auf Schlag
32) ... wer mit Eifer sucht
33) Lust und Frust
34) Bittere Gefühle
35) Ein Verdacht kommt selten allein
36) Laßt die Tränen fließen
37) Keine guten Nachrichten
38) Ein Geständnis nach dem anderen
39) Liebe und Tod
40) Die Täuschung
41) Hilf deinem Nächsten
42) Ein großer Verlust
43) Das Ereignis
44) Die ganze Wahrheit
45) Versöhnung und Trennung
46) Ist das nicht merkwürdig?
47) Ganz unglaublich
48) Übermächtige Kräfte
49) Im All und auf Erden
50) Unheimliche Veränderung
51) Mutige Befreiung
52) Flucht aus dem All
53) Privatunterricht
54) Geht Vater fremd?
55) Verrückt bleibt verrückt
56) Endlich wieder daheim
57) Mutter ist geschockt
58) Von Frau zu Frau
59) Die Geburtstagsparty
60) Eine neue Liebe
61) Immer diese Probleme!
62) Gruppentherapie zu zweit
63) Besuch in der Hochzeitsnacht
64) Der Computer ist schuld
65) Beim Psychiater
66) Eine neue Aufgabe
67) Oh, wie peinlich
68) Der Sieger
69) Schwache Hoffnung
70) Im Hospital
71) Herzflimmern
72) Ein neuer Erdenbürger
73) Die Erpressung
74) Die schlimmen Fotos
75) Auf zu neuen Ufern
76) Im Dschungel gefangen
77) Aufregende Zeiten
78) Keine Zeit mehr für die Liebe
79) Geschäftlicher Vorschlag
80) Ein Schwein ist ein Schwein
81) Anruf aus Alaska
82) Nichts geht mehr
83) Sein Onkel ist sein Vater
84) Seine Niere mag er nicht
85) Wie es wirklich war
86) Die unpassende Braut
87) Die Pressekonferenz
88) Der enttäuschte Liebhaber
89) Die Hypnose
90) Ein Unglück kommt selten allein
91) Das schreckliche Ende ( LETZTE FOLGE )
Ausstrahlungen im deutschen TV:
17.01.81-... |
27.04.81-... |
S3 |
31.05.81-... |
ORF2 (Österreich) |
26.09.81-... |
Hessisches Fernsehprogramm |
08.07.82-... |
Hessisches Fernsehprogramm |
08.07.82-... |
08.07.82-... |
07.09.82-... |
S3 |
10/88-06/90 |
Sat.1 |
freitags 18.15 Uhr |
02.03.92-09/92 |
Kabelkanal |
montags gg. 23.00 Uhr |
01-30.06.01 |
Comedy |
01.07.01-24.09.01 |
Premiere Comedy |
04.09.03-09.01.04 |
Premiere Serie |
montags-freitags 12.50 Uhr (Wdh. 7.55 Uhr) |
19.10.04-28.02.05 |
Premiere Serie |
montags-freitags 22.40 Uhr (Wdh. 14.35 Uhr) |
01.09.05 |
ORF1 (Österreich) |
0.40 Uhr (1 Folge nominiert bei 'Play it again, Chris!') |
05.01.06-11.05.06 |
Premiere Serie |
montags-freitags 23.10 Uhr (Wdh. gg. 8.05 Uhr und 14.55 Uhr) |
Diese sehr kurzlebige Sitcom wurde leider nach nur 4 Episoden wieder eingestellt. In Deutschland wurde sie leider nie ausgestrahlt.
This very short-lived sitcom was unfortunately discontinued after only 4 episodes again. In Germany, it was unfortunately never aired.
Besetzung / Cast:
Faye Dunaway .... Laura Scofield
Robert Urich .... Mitch Quinn
Robin Bartlett .... Eve Parkin
Justin Whalin .... David Quinn
Will Estes .... Christopher Quinn
Justin Jon Ross .... Sebastian Quinn
Detaillierter Episodenführer
Detailed Episode Guide
Diesen Episodenführer hat Simon Ferrally eigens für mein Robert Urich Fanpage & Forum geschrieben. An dieser Stelle nochmals meinen herzlichsten Dank!
This episode guide has written Simon Ferrally for my Robert Urich fanpage & forum. To reiterate my thanks!
01. Pilot Episode
Laura (Faye Dunaway) heuert Mitch den Zimmermann, Vater und Witwer (Robert Urich) an, der die Regale für die tüchtige Geschäftsfrau bauen muss. Nachdem sich die beiden sofort gut verstehen und er
ihr zeigt wie man einen Schluckauf bekämpft und wieder los wird, soll er nun auch in ihrem Privathaus arbeiten. Um sich für seine Mühe und Arbeit bei ihm zu bedanken, besucht Laura Mitch's
Zuhause und landet im reinsten Chaos.
Kurze Zeit später sollte die Beziehung nicht nur rein geschäftlicher Natur sein, denn die beiden küssen sich.
Laura (Faye Dunaway) hires Mitch the
carpenter father and widower (Robert Urich), has to build
the shelves for the efficient businesswoman. After the two
immediately understand well and he shows her how to fight and
get rid of the hiccups is, he is now working
in their private home. In order to thank him for his efforts and work with him, visited Laura Mitch's home
and lands in the purest chaos.
A short time later should the relationship not only strictly business,
as the two kiss.
Wissenswertes / Find out more:
- Marilou, eine Schulfreundin von Christopher hatte hier ihren ersten und auch einzigen Auftritt.
- Laura erwähnt hier das ihre Wohnung in Beacon Hill (Boston) liegt.
- Marilou, a school friend of Christopher here had their first and only
- Laura mentioned here lies her home
in Beacon Hill (Boston).
Darsteller / Cast:
Eve - Robin Bartlett
David - Justin Whalin
Christopher - Will Estes
Sebastian - Justin Jon Ross
Joyce - ? (Schauspielerin wird nicht in den Credits erwähnt.)
Marilou - Melody Kay
02. Long Date's Journey into Night
Mitch wird von Laura erneut beauftragt nochmal nach den Regalen zu schauen. Da es zuvor bereits zu einem Kuss mit den beiden kam, arrangiert Mitch nun ein Date mit ihr. Während sich die Dame
nicht für das passende Kleid entscheiden kann, macht sich Mitch Sorgen ob er denn auch gut aussehe.
Nach einer geschäftlichen finanziellen Krise sagt sie die Verabredung mit Mitch kurzfristig ab und verbringt den Abend lieber in ihrer Wohnung vor dem Fernseher und betrinkt sich....ehe sie Mitch
dort besucht und es zu einem Pillow Fight kommt.
Mitch is looking to re-commissioned by Laura again after the shelves. As
it previously was a kiss with both, Mitch now arranged a date with her. While the lady can not
choose the right dress, Mitch is worried whether
he even look good.
After a business financial crisis, she says the meeting with
Mitch from short-term and prefer to spend the
evening at her home in front of the TV and get drunk ....
Mitch visited there before and there is a pillow
24. September 1993
Wissenswertes: / Find out more:
- erster und letzter Auftritt von Les dem Posaunisten.
- viele Anspielungen auf die Fernsehwelt. Z.B. als Mitch das Verlagshaus besuchte, stellte er sich als "Dr. Quinn - Medicine Man vor, was auf die Fernsehserie mit Jane Seymour (Dr.Quinn-Ärztin
aus Leidenschaft) zurückgeht.
- First and last appearance of Les trombonist.
- Many allusions to the world of television. E.G. as
Mitch visited the publishing house, he introduced himself as "Dr. Quinn - Medicine Man before, but this is a television
series starring Jane Seymour (Dr. Quinn-Medicine Woman).
Mitch - Robert Urich
Laura - Faye Dunaway
David - Justin Whalin
Eve - Robin Bartlett
Les - Anthony Russell
Sebastian - Justin Jon Ross
Christopher - Will Estes
03. Let's Spend Termite Together
Die Quinn's müssen kurzfristig ihr Zuhause verlassen, da das Haus mit Insektengift verpestet ist und vorübergehend nicht bewohnbar sein wird. Laura beschließt die Familie während dieser Zeit bei
sich aufzunehmen.
Allerdings hat Laura am nächsten Tag in ihrer Wohnung ein wichtiges Rendezvous mit einem französischen Reporterteam die sie fotografieren werden. Da Mitch's Söhne Unordnung verbreiten, macht sich
Laura Sorgen ob der Termin mit den Franzosen auch glatt und ohne Probleme verläuft...
The Quinn's need to leave their homes
at short notice, as the house is infested with insect venom
and will temporarily not be habitable. Laura decides to take the family during this time with him.
However, Laura is the next day in her apartment an important
rendezvous with a French team of reporters to photograph them.
Since Mitch's sons spread disorder, Laura worries that the appointment with the French also runs smoothly and without any problems ...
1. Oktober 1993
Wissenswertes / Find out more:
- In dieser Folge taucht erstmals ein Tier aus. Es handelt sich um eine Hundedame die mit Sebastian, Laura's Haus betritt. Es sollte nicht nur bei einem Tier bleiben, denn am Tag darauf bekommt
die Hündin, Welpen.
- In this episode the first time emerged from an animal. There is a lady dog who enters with Sebastian, Laura's house. It should not be left only one animal, because the day after getting the bitch puppy.
Laura - Faye Dunaway
Mitch - Robert Urich
David - Justin Whalin
Christopher - Will Estes
Sebastian - Justin Jon Ross
Eve - Robin Bartlett
Schädlingsbekämpfer - ?
Fotograf - Eric Bizot
Französische Journalistin - Yasmine Golchan
04. All about Dave
Nachdem seine ersten Anläufe in der Berufswelt noch nicht funktioniert haben, bietet Laura David einen Job in ihrem Büro an. Der noch junge Berufseinsteiger macht sich bei den Kolleginnen und
Vorgesetzten schnell beliebt und steigt die Karriereleiter in kürzester Zeit hoch empor. Innerhalb von einer Woche hat er bereits ein eigenes Büro, mit gerade mal 16 Jahren. Doch der Erfolg
sollte nicht von langer Dauer sein, denn auch David macht Fehler...
After his first attempts have not yet working in the professional world, Laura offers David a job in her office. The still young labor makes itself at the fellow supervisors quickly popular and rising through the ranks in a very short time aloft. Within a week, he has his own office, with just 16 years. But success should not last long, because David makes mistakes ...
Erstausstrahlung: / First telecast
15. Oktober 1993
Darsteller / Cast:
Laura - Faye Dunaway
Mitch - Robert Urich
David - Justin Whalin
Christopher - Will Estes
Sebastian - Justin Jon Ross
Eve - Robin Bartlett
05. Unknown
Diese Episode wurde in den USA nicht mehr ausgestrahlt. Auch Informationen konnten wir leider nicht darüber finden.
This episode was not aired in the U.S.. Also information Unfortunately we could not find it.
Darsteller / Cast:
Laura - Faye Dunaway
Mitch - Robert Urich
David - Justin Whalin
Christopher - Will Estes
Sebastian - Justin Jon Ross
Eve - Robin Bartlett
06. London Calling
Mitch (Robert Urich) hält seine
Gefühle im Zaum, alsLaura das Job- Angebot ihrer
Träume bekommt ... in
Mitch (Robert Urich) keeps his feelings in check when Laura gets the job offer of her dreams...in London.
Wissenswertes / Find out more:
- Leider wurde diese Episode weltweit nie ausgestrahlt.
- Sollte die vorerst letzte Folge der 1. Staffel sein, da man plante im nächsten Jahr mit Robin Bartlett in der Hauptrolle weiter zu machen. Doch leider hat man diesen Plan verworfen.
- Unfortunately, this episode was never
broadcast worldwide.
- If the last episode of the 1st His squadron, as was planned in the next year with Robin Bartlett in
the lead role to continue. But unfortunately it has rejected the
Ian Ogilvy - als Colin
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Zur vollen Ansicht des jeweiligen Bildes, einfach aufs gewünschte Bild klicken
I've made for you several screenshots.
For full view of each image, simply
click onto the desired image
EMERIL (2001)
In Deutschland wurde diese Serie leider bis heute nie ausgestrahlt. Die Tatsache, dass sie nach nur 10 Folgen leider eingestellt wurde, hat natürlich auch dazu beigetragen, dass wir diese Serie wohl nie in deutscher Sprache zu sehen bekommen, da bleibt nur der Griff ins englische.
Die Zuschauer dieser Sitcom schauen hinter die Kulissen des Star-Kochs Emeril Lagasse. Zusammen mit seinem Produzenten Jerry (Urich) und dem Manager sorgen sie für hinter der Kamera für Tumult...
In Germany, this series was unfortunately never broadcast until now. The fact that it was
discontinued after only 10 episodes, unfortunately, has obviously contributed
to the fact that we get to see this series probably never in the German language, since only the handle remains in English.
The audience of this sitcom look behind the
scenes of the Star chef Emeril Lagasse. Together with his producer Jerry (Urich) and the manager, they provide behind the
camera for riot ...
Emeril Lagasse .... Emeril Lagasse
Robert Urich .... Jerry McKenney
Lisa Ann Walter .... Cassandra Gilman
Sherri Shepherd .... Melva
Carrie Preston .... B.D. Benson
Tara Karsian .... Nurse Smearball
Mary Page Keller .... Nora Lagasse
James Lafferty .... James
Season 1
1. Fat
gs: Tricia O'Kelley (Tricia O'Connell) Tara Karsian (Nurse Smearball) Irene Olga Lopez (Woman) Bryan Handy (Audience Member #1) Jerry Pacific (Audience Member #2) Pamela Paulshock (Attractive
Despite Emeril's high ratings, pint-sized network exec Trish is troubled by the fact that women are not fantasizing about the chef in his boxers. The network decides to launch a new campaign to
"trim it down a notch," sponsoring a competition between their shows with a cash prize for the most weight lost. While the Emeril crew aren't thrilled by the prospect of dieting, the promise of
money prompts Cass, Melva, and B.D. to put down the pork loin and jump on the treadmill. Even Jerry, once financially motivated, decides to join the fitness craze and shed some excess tonnage.
All seems to be going well until Emeril, reluctantly heeding the network's wishes, switches to preparing low-cal cuisine on his show -- and finds himself staring down an angry, hungry mob.
b: 25-Sep-2001 pc: 103 w: F.J. Pratt & Dan Cohen d: Harry Thomason
NOTE: Scheduled to premiere on 9/18/01 but, like many other shows, was pushed back a week due to the terrorist attack on America.
The featured recipe from this episode (which appeared on both NBC's and Emeril's official websites) was for "Classic Nawlins Bread Pudding."
During the final commercial break, a commercial was run for "Emerilware," Emeril's line of cookware.
2. Fifteen Minutes
gs: Katy Selverstone (Christy) Channing Chase (Jane Benson) Kevin Cooney (Bill Benson) Kelvin Yu (The Camera Man) Mary Page Keller (Nora Lagasse)
Despite misgivings about "going Hollywood," Emeril allows Jerry to talk him into participating in a segment of a hit primetime magazine show. Even though the gang insists they won't sell out for
the camera, glamour-hounds Jerry, Cass, and Melva all find ways to pump up their appearances—and their roles in Emeril's success—for their interviews, and then have to scramble to put things
right before Emeril sees the finished product.
b: 02-Oct-2001 pc: 106 w: Pamela Norris d: Harry Thomason
3. Blind Dates
gs: Molly Hagan (Joanna) Pepper Sweeney (Doug) Mark Christopher Lawrence (Matt) Randy J. Goodwin (Eric)
Emeril plays Cupid to disprove the notion that there are "no good men out there" when the headstrong chef propositions his audience in search of eligible bachelors for a night of culinary and
romantic interludes with Cass and Melva—but becoming a matchmaker proves to be harder than just shake-n'-bake.
b: 09-Oct-2001 pc: 104 w: David Nichols d: Harry Thomason
NOTE: Molly Hagan starred with Emeril's Lisa Ann Walter in the 1996 sitcom Life's Work. Hagan is the second Emeril guest star that worked on that series -- the first was Tara Karsian, who guest
starred in the Fat episode (and the later episodes Halloween and Snow Day).
The featured recipe from this episode (which appeared on both NBC's and Emeril's official websites) are for "Curry Crusted Lamb Chops with Garlic Wine Sauce and Potato Shallot Custards" and
"Creole Corn and Crab Bisque."
Robert Urich says of Lisa Ann Walter's formerly-gay blind date, "He seemed a little too excited about a possible Designing Women reunion." Emeril, the sitcom, was created by Linda Bloodworth, the
same creator behind Designing Women (and the reunion finally did materialize in 2003).
4. Whose Life is It Anyway?
gs: Mary Page Keller (Nora Lagasse) Tricia O'Kelley (Trish O'Connell) Joey Roberts Mercado (Charlie Lagasse) Alexis Della Ripa (Halo Lagasse) Felicia Day (Cherie) Adam Carl (Frank) G.M. McGrath
(Bobby) Sharon Madden (The Shopper) Susan Mullen (The Audience Member)
Culinary Network executive Trish O'Connell gives Emeril exciting news: his show's high ratings have prompted the network to order 20 additional episodes. The catch? They want him to present a
hipper image, complete with a new set and designer-label chef's jacket. Emeril's agent and friend Jerry McKenney and his staff— producer Cassandra "Cass" Gilman, stage manager Melva LeBlanc, and
food stylist B.D. Benson—are all thrilled. However, Emeril quickly finds himself torn between the additional demands of his success and the fact that his wife Nora and three children James ,
Halo, and Charlie already consider him an absentee husband and father.
b: 16-Oct-2001 pc: 101 w: Linda Bloodworth-Thomason d: Harry Thomason
NOTE: Scheduled to air on 9/25/01, but pushed back when the premiere was delayed. This episode was rescheduled several times and finally aired on 10/16/01.
This is a retooling of the original pilot episode.
5. The Sopranos Come to Dinner
gs: Mary Page Keller (Nora Lagasse) Vincent Pastore (Himself) Ray Laska (Vic Leopolis) John Cassini (Sammy) Frank D'Amico (Burt)
When Emeril needs top quality beef for the upcoming meat lovers' show and the normal supplier comes up empty, Cass enlists some family help. Unfortunately, after a trip to a dark New Jersey pier
for a beef drop with Melva and B.D., she realizes that her cousin, the entrepreneur, is involved with a different type of "family." Things get worse when crime boss/Tony Soprano wannabe Vic
Leopolis tells Cass that in return for the favor, he wants Emeril, his favorite chef, to "kick it up a notch" and host Sunday dinner for the mob. Even guest star Vincent Pastore, visiting
Emeril's cooking show to shoot a segment, is unable to provide Emeril with a solution to his Italian problem.
b: 23-Oct-2001 pc: 102 w: Linda Bloodworth-Thomason d: Harry Thomason
6. Halloween
gs: Tricia O'Kelley (Trish O'Connell) Tara Karsian (Nurse Smearball) Sean Vincent Biggins (Roy) Brad Bufanda (the Boy)
While the rest of the Emeril crew gears up for Halloween, Emeril gets sucked into another one of Jerry's self-improvement schemes as the fleshy hipsters decide to secretly visit the plastic
surgeon to remove their love handles via liposuction. Meanwhile, Trish tries to scare Cass, Melva, and B.D. by cracking down on the nudity, drunkenness and costume fires usually associated with
the annual Food Channel Halloween party.
b: 30-Oct-2001 pc: 107 w: Linda Bloodworth-Thomason d: Harry Thomason
7. The Sidekick
gs: Burt Reynolds (Himself) Tricia O'Kelley (Trish O'Connell) Darlene Kardon (Alice) Dona Hardy (Gladys) Brandon Jones (Brandon)
A quick bit of on-air male bonding inspires the Food Channel to push Emeril into a new type of cooking show with a new sidekick: Jerry. However, after he receives a taste of fame—including some
commentary from his "celebrity friend" and guest star, Burt Reynolds—Jerry's ego "kicks it up a notch," much to the annoyance of Cass, Melva, and B.D.
b: 11-Dec-2001 pc: 110 w: F.J. Pratt & Dan Cohen d: Harry Thomason
NOTE: Originally scheduled to air on November 6, 2001.
Although the last three episodes were scheduled to air (at various dates), NBC canceled the series and aired this episode as the finale.
8. Snow Day
gs: Ron Slanina (Gary) Tara Karsian (Nurse Smearball) Mary Page Keller (Nora Lagasse)
When a snowstorm strands the gang on the set, Emeril convinces himself that Nora's new partner has more than business on his mind. So as Emeril tries to find a way to get home to protect his
marriage, Cass tries desperately to make it to her date, and Jerry attempts to avoid the advances of Nurse Smearball and find someplace to bathe himself.
b: UNAIRED pc: 108 w: Pamela Norris d: Harry Thomason
NOTE: Scheduled to air on December 18, 2001.
9. The Retreat
gs: Bo Derek (Herself)
Against their will, Emeril and his staff are forced to attend a Food Network "Team Building Retreat" in the Adirondacks, where they have to climb walls, swing on ropes and jump off a tall tower.
Much to the envy of Emeril and Jerry, the women -- Cass, Melva, B.D. and Trish -- run into Bo Derek who is there to speak at a seminar for "Women Who Are Too Beautiful." Discovering that Bo is an
animal lover, Jerry borrows Emeril's joke bear suit as a novel way to approach her, with disastrous results. (NBC)
b: UNAIRED pc: 105
10. One Man's Cornbread
gs: Dom DeLuise (Himself) Rev. Dr. Preston Washington Sr. (Himself)
To spice up his show on comfort food, Emeril invites Melva's grandmother, well-known in Harlem for her cooking, to appear with her cornbread recipe. Jerry decides to help the chef "kick it up a
notch" by inviting Dom DeLuise to appear as well, sporting his own cornbread recipe. The chef quickly finds himself holding the fate of cornbread lovers nationwide in his hands as he is forced to
decide between the two recipes. Emeril's decision sends shock waves through Harlem, prompting a mass protest from Rev. Dr. Preston Washington Sr. and some hostile words from Trish. (NBC)
b: UNAIRED pc: 109
Hier habe ich 24 Screenshots angefertigt (stammen aus der Folge "Blind Dates")
Um das ganze Bild geniessen zu können, einfach immer das gewünschte Bild anklicken :)
Here I have made 24 screenshots (taken
from the episode "Blind Dates")
In order to appreciate the whole picture can always just click
the image you want :)
Screenshots von Simon 'Seamus' Ferrally
Vielen Dank an Simon 'Seamus' Ferrally, dass ich seine Screenshots für diese Seite verwenden darf.
Thank you to Simon 'Seamus' Ferrally, that I can take his screenshots for this side!
Von dieser geplanten Serie wurde lediglich nur die Pilotfolge und zwei Episoden produziert, aber nie ausgestrahlt. In dieser serie spielt Bob Urich zusammen mit Scott Bakula ("Zurück in die Vergangenheit", "Star Trek: Enterprise", "NCIS New Orleans") die Hauptrollen. Beide spielen darin zwei ehemalige Football-Spieler, die sich eine Wohnung teilen und jeder gerne jeden Rock hinterherschauen und alten Zeiten hinterhertrauern. Eine weitere Hauptrolle spielte Markie Post ("Ein Colt für alle Fälle", "Harrys wundersames Strafgericht") Ursprünglich waren für diese Serie allerdings Burt Reynolds vorgesehen. Als weitere Co-Stars wurden Joe Bologna und Michele Lee verpflichtet. Doch auch die schieden aus und neben Scott Bakula hatte man mit Markie Post und Adam Arkin zwei Schauspieler für den Pilot geholt. Arkin wurde dann durch Robert Urich ersetzt. Es ist jedoch möglich, dass Scott Bakula und Markie Post nur für eine Gastrolle für die Pilotfolge vorgesehen waren. Bakula selbst soll dies in einem Interview erzählt haben.
Zudem ist auch nicht klar, ob die Serie nun "Late Boomers" oder "Late Bloomers" hiess. Die einen Quellen schreiben so, die anderen so. Selbst Bob Urich hatte aucf eine Fanfrage mit "Late Bloomers" geantwortet, jedoch ist die Mehrheit im Internet unter "Late Boomers" zu finden.
this planned series only only the pilot episode and two episodes was produced but never aired. In this
series Bob Urich plays along with Scott Bakula ( "Quantum Leap," "Star Trek: Enterprise," "NCIS New Orleans") the leading roles. Both play in two former football
players who share an apartment and everyone likes it past every rock and behind mourn ancient times.
Another major role played Markie Post ( "The Fall Guy", "Night Court") were originally for this series, however, Burt Reynolds provided. Other costars Joe Bologna and Michele Lee were committed. But the left and next to Scott Bakula had brought with Markie
Post and Adam Arkin two actors for the pilot. Arkin was then replaced by Robert Urich.
However, it
is possible that Scott Bakula and Markie Post had provided
only for a guest role in the pilot episode. Bakula is said to have told
this in an interview.
In addition, is also not clear whether the series now "Late Boomers" or "Late
Bloomers" was called. Some sources attribute so that other way. Even Bob Urich had responded to
a fan question with "Late Bloomers", but the majority of the Internet at is to find "Late Boomers".
Bildmaterial gibt es leider nicht dazu.
Sorry, I can't found pictures from this show!
Hier ist eine Fanfrage an Bob von damals, die Bob auf seine Homepage damals beantwortet hatte:
Here is an inquiry to Bob from the time that Bob had answered to his home at the time:
Weitere Infos zu "Late Boomers" / Further informations about "Late Boomers"
oday's crop of rumors--non Trek!
By Army Archerd, Daily Variety Senior Columnist
Late changes on ``Late Boomers'' since Burt Reynolds' departure last weekend: Scott Bakula in talks Wednesday to replace Reynolds, and Michele Lee, who was to have played Reynolds' ex-wife, was
let go. Lee's casting involved her taking days off her smash performance in B'way's ``Tales of the Allergist's Wife'' to wing to L.A. pilot rehearsals.
found on Yahoo News...
These next two emails arrived the day I moved. I was hustling to get them posted before I packed up the computer so the movers could put it on the truck. Good thing I woke up early!
Audience Wanted for Scott Pilot
Hi! This is Susan at the audience company that is looking for Scott Bakula fans in the Los Angeles area to come to his new TV show pilot.
We need to get the word out to as many fans as possible ASAP to help make this show a success! Details are listed below. Please post/forward this notice to as many people that you can who may be
interested in coming to a taping on that day.
Thank you!
Show title: "Late Boomers"
Starring: Markie Post, Scott Bakula, Robert Urich
Date: 4/29/01
Time: 5pm
Location: CBS Studio Center, Radford Ave. Studio City, CA USA
this came in from Susan@AudiencesUnlimited.com
April 27
yesterday’s New York Daily News "Plugged In" column:
>>>Mike Burns, the spokesman for ex-Creative Artists Agency boss Michael Ovitz’s production and talent management company, said Ovitz’s television production company has eight pilots on
the boards right now, three of which he argued have a good shot at being picked up by the networks.....[snip]...... (#2 is) "Late Bloomers" (sp), a show about four ex-football players starring
former "Murphy Brown" star Scott Bakula….. >>
both posts thanks to Helene
(okay, so they will have to get another star..
Pam--May 11)
Fanfrage auf roberturich.com in der "Ask Robert"-Rubrik
Question: Janice - I just had the awesome pleasure of watching the filming of the pilot for Late Boomers. My husband and I thoroughly enjoyed it and would be very surprised if it is not picked
up. The experience brought forth several questions:
1. When was Scott Bakula brought it? I heard it was just the Wednesday before the shoot.
2. Was his role extensively rewritten for him after Burt Reynold's departure? There were a couple of scenes that appeared to have been written with Scott in mind.
Answer: Thank you so much for your comments on the pilot "Late Boomers". The first time I read the script I felt the same way. I laughed out loud. Scott was brought in On Friday, April 27th and
as you know, we filmed it in front of a studio audience on Sunday, April 29th. The role wasn't re-written for him and I think he did an amazing job in just two and a half days
thanks to Janice!
Well, every now and then, having a website is a good thing. :-) You get to do good things for people. The following reports are sort of a byproduct. I met Sue via email, when she wrote to thank
me for posting about Love Letters. It was her first time meeting Scott and she had only learned about the play five days earlier, when she found my site. (That was kind of exciting! Aside from
the fact, that it was the first time I'd met him as well. <g>) I met Janice at the Hamilton Benefit in February. She was sitting in front of me. She told me she was a fan of Robert Urich,
David Soul, Scott (and two other actors, one of which might be Harrison Ford). When I found out from Audiences Unlimited that Robert Urich was going to be in the pilot as well as Scott, I emailed
her to let her know.
So now I get to share their stories with the rest of you. :-)
July 20
Scott Talks Boomers
Scott cleared up a lingering mystery about Later Boomers, a pilot episode which he shot just before joining Enterprise. "I played a guest star — it was called Late Boomers, and it became Boomers,
and I don't know where it lies now. But we were in negotiations on this [Enterprise] for a while, and I wasn't sure whether this was going to happen or not for a while. And they agreed to have me
on that series. It was the actual lead in the pilot, but as a guest — strictly as a guest star. So do it and walk away. And it worked out happily that this came through and we were able to make a
deal, and I'm here."
Taping Report:
Report from Sue in Tucson (Dr. Sues)
Hi All! My husband and I just got back from California tonight! (Wed. eve.) While there, we went to the taping of "Late Boomers"! Janice's report was right on the money! The show was funny and
well written! I really hope the network runs with this one, and that Scott chooses to stay with this! What a great
cast! They all had such a good repore with each other! Also, Chelsea was there (3 seats in front of me!)and Scott's oldest daughter, and, of course, Jay was there too! As for the show, I would
only change one thing! Scott's mustache has got to go!!!!!! It was too dark....too big...and it does nothing to
enhance his wonderful good looks! I love that man's face and it is a sin to cover it up!!!
Ha! Ha! Ha! And yes....you will all love the "saunna scene"! At the MOST, he was wearing a g-string!!
thanks to Sue!
Report from Janice Starbuck, a fan of both Scott and Robert Urich, comes this report...
Wed, 02-May-2001
What a great day! I just had to write to share my experience with you all. Friday morning I woke to find an email from Pam who runs the Scott info web site informing me that Audiences Unlimited
was looking for audience members to attend the shooting of the pilot for a new series, Late Boomers, starring
Scott Bakula and Robert Urich. Seeing these two actors together made her think of me!
I immediately ordered my tickets from the tvtickets.com web site and made flight, hotel and car reservations for my husband, Tom, and myself. Friday afternoon I received email notification
Audiences Unlimited that the shooting time had been moved up to 3:30.
Sunday was a beautiful day in LA. We arrived at CBS studios around 2:15.
The shooting went very smoothly. Most scenes were completed with two full takes and one "pick-up," where they performed only a small part of the scene.
Scott and Robert were wonderful. I really enjoyed their comedic delivery. I must say that the entire cast was excellent. Adam Arkin is extremely handsome and talented. Joe Regalbuto, who
played Frank on Murphy Brown was great as Scott's brother. Markie Post looked absolutely wonderful and did a great job as Scott's two-time ex-wife.
A few scenes had been filmed on Saturday that they played back to us on monitors. The sauna scene will be a special treat for Scott fans.
Scott plays Teddy, a retired NFL quarterback. The show is set in Chicago. Teddy is a party kind of guy and loves the ladies -- and the ladies love him. He looks great, although I must say I am
not crazy about the mustache he sports for the character.
Robert plays Dennis, an old teammate of Teddy's who played the game a little too long and took few too many blows to the head during his NFL career. Dennis provides the majority of the
relief for the ensemble. Dennis is now a sportscaster and is very concerned about his looks and staying young.
Trying to be objective and looking past my obvious predisposition to love this show, I must say that I did enjoy it. Tom and I both thought that the writing was witty and the acting was superb. I
do hope that if the show is picked up that the writers will develop each of the characters fully. I would hate to see the show fail because the characters are one-dimensional. I mean, I really
hope there is more to Robert's
character than just being slow and vain.
The entire experience was a blast. It did take three and one-half hours to film the show, but it didn't seem to drag. The warm up guy was named Jim and he did a good job of keeping the audience
entertained during the lulls.
From time to time during filming, I would catch myself watching the show on the overhead monitor rather than focusing on the action on the stage. I think it was just hard to believe that I was
there, not more than 30 feet from these gorgeous men I adore.
Between shots most of the actors were out of view. However, Scott was usually visible, because he was in every scene. He was very focused and seemed to be working on his character constantly. I'm
guessing that was because he was brought in after all the other actors and had very little opportunity to rehearse.
During curtain call I had a special thrill when Scott and Robert hugged to congratulate each other on a job well done. I really wish that I could have gotten a picture of that. But alas, taking
pictures was strictly forbidden.
That was it. We didn't hang around to try to meet the actors because the audience had been told not to do that. Besides, what more could I have asked for. It was a great day.
thanks very much to Janice for the report!!--Pam
Das waren nochmal ein paar nützliche Informationen. Also sollte Late Boomers in Chicago spielen. Den Taping Report fand ich spannend zu lesen, meine aber mich zu erinnern, dass es auf der Seite
noch einen zweiten, vom Text her längeren Report gab.
Laut Bakula haben die also den Titel der Sitcom nochmals umgeändert - von Late Boomers in "Boomers". Also war Late Boomers letzten Endes auch nur ein Arbeitstitel.
Mein Freund Simon Ferrally hat ein witziges Promo Banner zur Serie entworfen :) My friend Simon Ferrally has created an funny promo banner to this show :)